Our Brand Philosophy

  • Irish Owned Support Small Business

    Pia Margot is an Irish owned Boutique with an emphasis on low volume, beautiful, high quality garments that have been carefully sourced. When you support a local business, you are supporting your local community.

  • Sustainably Sourced Carefully Curated Clothing

    Pia Margot places huge emphasis on purchasing as local as possible. We consider the environment, source ethically and contemplate the social impact of our actions. We find eco - conscious brands that are made to last, are adaptable and make you feel beautiful.

  • Unique Fashion

    We are committed to sourcing unique, timelessly elegant pieces that are crafted to withstand the test of time. Pia Margot strives to curate collections that transcend trend driven fashion, that have enduring style, quality and craftsmanship.

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Tag us on Instagram wearing your favourite Pia Margot items!